At AIJC 2021 you will be exposed to Africa’s latest innovation and strategy thought leaders and their tools, you will understand how implement these tools in Africa.
You will also be able to network with peers in the room and within the region and brainstorm on how to apply best-practices.
We have the most influential keynote speakers sharing their knowledge and tools on innovation and strategy execution.
To register click HERE.
Please keep in mind that All country Covid protocols will be strictly adhered to at all gatherings at the various locations.
Registration process
Step 1
Select the City /Country in which you are from
Step 2
Click on the Green button that reads “Tickets”
IF you do not have a code Skip steps 3 & 4
Step 3
In the top right hand corner, you will see “Use A promotion code” Click on this if you have a promotion code.
Step 4
Enter the code and click on the ü.
Step 5
Click on your ticket type, insert the number of tickets. E.g. Full conference. 1
Step 6
Click on Checkout button
Step 7
Complete the form
Step 8
Make sure you’ve filled in all the required fields, especially ones with the *asterisk and click submit registration by clicking on “Complete Order”.
*Please note that this year’s conference fees have been slashed given the current economic climate caused by the pandemic.