The continent’s foremost fact-checking awards received a record number of 216 entries from 28 African countries. Top honours in the...
Governments not transparent when detailing its Covid-19 spending
By Bettie Kemah Johnson-Mbayo Abuja - When Covid-19 struck, African Governments scrambled to get information about the pandemic to citizens...
Investigative journalists of colour face hurdles to expose social ills
By Jenipher Changwanda Johannesburg - Levelling the ground for investigative journalists of colour to report the struggles by minority communities...
State of Investigative Journalism in Ethiopia
By: Maya Misikir Addis Ababa - Investigative journalism in developing countries, where maladministration and corruption are commonplace, is critical. However,...
Going undercover to expose wrongdoing
By: Kehinde Ogunyale Abuja - In a quest to uncover the truth, investigative journalists are often forced to put their lives...
Why you should register for #AIJC2021
At AIJC 2021 you will be exposed to Africa’s latest innovation and strategy thought leaders and their tools, you will...
Five days, five cities, hybrid gathering of Africa’s best journalists
In its 17th year, AIJC is breaking new ground. This year's version of the biggest annual gathering of working journalists...
AIJC2021 Appel à contribution
L'AIJC est le principal rassemblement de journalistes actifs sur le continent et la vitrine des meilleurs reportages d'investigation du continent....
Appel à candidatures pour les bourses de l’AIJC2021
La Conférence africaine sur le journalisme d’investigation 2021 11-13 octobre 2021 À Johannesburg, Nairobi, Abuja, Addis-Abeba, Dakar Cinq villes, trois jours,...